Cower in fear, mortal! for you have stumbled into to the whacky world of my worthless thoughts. Becareful on your voyage forth - lest my machinations consume you!!!
more stuff coming soon....
GuP vs Haifuri 27/6/2019
On The Eve of Already Forgotten Failure/Mass of Fermented Dregs Review/Early Morning mindset 23/3/2019
just rambling yall 16/12/18
The Drama in Convent of Hell 9/12/18
The Fantastic Composition of Aru Atsui Hi No Futari (Nee,...Shiyo) 1/12/2018
THE ETHER 4/11/18
So, when is it just torture porn? Part 2 16/10/18
So, when is it just torture porn? 13/10/18
The Dust Room 8/10/18
Endless Jess vs Digibro 3/9/18